Future of Work: The New Normal
During the last decade, we consistently discussed about change management and the urgency of adaptation. Now, we are there. We can not have any excuses to put aside this critical matter as post-pandemic business world requires urgent and fair solutions from all stakeholders. During this session, we will have a look at the future of work through the lens of the youngest generation of the workforce and try to understand the paradigms attributed to this generation and the influences of their view on leadership and business.
Counting down from the future
- Redesigning the institutions of 21st century Changing employees – changing needs
- Critical skills in 2030Deskill – Reskill – Upskill
Psychological safety in the workplace:From comfort zone to anxiety zone
- The influences of AI and gig economy to conventional business models
- End of the horizontal and vertical career: Projects rather than titles
Employer branding in the age of post-pandemic
- New approaches in talent acquisition
- Talent development within the new normal: New opportunities in experiential learning
Talent optimization and mobile career
- Succession planning
More action than words
Diversity – Equality – Inclusion
Unmasked leadership in the masked era
Transparency, agility, empathy, vulnerability
- Inspiring purpose
- What is purpose and what is not?
- Beware of purpose-washing
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