DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Consulting
In today’s world, where companies need to undergo a transformation brought about by socioeconomic diversity, spreading their transparent and inclusive cultures in a way that enhances their social impact capabilities has become their top priority while maintaining their financial performance. Moreover,diversity and inclusion management has evolved to a new level that encompasses equity as well.
As promoting and enhancing DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in organizations begin to emerge as the most critical governance principle of the century, creating an effective DEI strategy that ensures psychological safety for every individual in the organization, and improves terms where by employees can access their potentials, will go beyond legal compliance. In forming this strategy, a holistic approach that impacts both employees and other stakeholders should be applied.
Steps of DEI Consulting:
- Data Collection, Analysis, and EvaluationMeasurement of inclusion in the culture (through focus groups and web-based surveys) and evaluation of the organization's current diversity practices, policies, and culture
- Strategy Development-Setting DEI goals with the criterion of ensuring fairness in all processes
-Preparation of a DEI Playbook consistent with the organization’;s goals and principles
-Creation of a DEI manifesto
-Ensuring resonance of values with DEI principles
-Formation of a DEI committee - Implementation-Ensuring the effective expansion of the determined approach throughout the organization with leadership commitment
-Increasing DEI awareness for each stakeholder of the organization
-Combating biases and promoting inclusive behaviors through leadership and employee training and workshop sessions
-Formation of DEI ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) and monitoring their practices